Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Note to self from Jun 2016




喜歡Artistic Director, Alvin Tan 在節目冊上的話。圓圓整整的放上來,為一種記錄或提醒。

Once, when I was going through a break-up, someone asked me why I was throwing away everything I believed in. Why could I no longer find enough  meaning in these things to carry on as before?

On hindsight, it could have been what I was doing so as for myself.

We can only be fully accountable for our lives when we are living our goals and achieving them for ourselves. Then, projects, platforms and entities will become sustainable in this age of uncertainty. Featuring the self in the mission and/or vision is necessary and desirable.

As there are many interest groups arising, if you do not fight or have the stamina to be recognised or credited, you might cease to be and become invisible.

How do we write our stories before they are written and incorporated into other people's stories - if they are written at all? What if there is only one perspective available, eclipsing the nuances of your story?

In addition, what happens when one of your stories is disrupted and never fully realized? Are you able to write yourself out of its predicted end? Can you write another story and not continue in someone else's narrative of your life?

As with all good storytelling, the protagonist's want/intent meets with a  few obstacles. The audience members then assess how s/he overcomes them or falls victim to their pressure or oppressions. What are the means, stakes and outcomes? At the end of the struggle, does s/he survive with his/her dignity intact? Even if the struggle destroys one's dignity, was the journey noble and was the fight good?

At the end of the day, the person driving the story has to be self-assured and have the confidence to be in the driver's seat - whether s/he is in a collaborative mode or not, and whether s/he is ready to reveal his/her vulnerability as the story unfolds. It is of great importance that one attends to the self, healthy and unbroken. How that affects the way the story is told and its universe of possible subtext is quite another point altogether.

Ghost writer is a re-working of Gitanjali [I feel the earth move] (2014). We make decisions in life as well as in our art-making. Sometimes, we see that the journey is not quite complete and there is a need to return to where we left off, to ask questions so that we do not dispose if what we have, and continue investigation by re-working it. The luxury is having the resources to dedicate ourselves to continuing the journey, making new decisions with new collaborators, and having significant milestones if the past journey informing us. This reminds me of how we used to work when The Necessary Stage began developing its devising methodology, when re-working/re-staging become a part of our process. Very quickly, 29 years have passed and our approach still includes re-working of a work - when the new is different, yet familiar. All I know is that the working process ultimately refines the methodology I hope to one day leave behind for those who might find it useful; yet another story of a theatre company that once existed, dedicating itself to creating original works.

For me, Ghost Writer is about how we should write our own narratives. Numerous happenings in life inspire and inform us, but we owe it to ourselves to be accountable for the lives we lead. No one can be in the driver seats of our cars, and no one should be held responsible for how our lives turn out.

It leaves me now to thank my wonderful collaborators for staying with us throughout yet another process - playing, creating and re-creating with so much passion - and you, the audience, for being here and for all your support throughout the years.

Monday, 26 September 2016


I was ordered to come out of the pose.

Yearning to re-create yesterday's experience and stop the impending flow of tears, I just wanted to get into the supported head stand. I just wanted my legs to get up. I just wanted to stay upside down. It was a series of just-wanting-tos. And she said, come down.

"What is your attitude towards this pose? Why are you in a rush? What is your intention? Were you checking whether your shoulders are balanced? Whether you are supported? Why are you in a hurry to get up? "

The series of questions came fast and furious.

I was still digesting over her words on the intimacy between the practicer and the practice. Being honest and sincere with our body, respecting our body and our tightness, and starting from the current stage. Not comparing and rushing into the stage where one wants to be.

Again, I was musing on your comments.

I asked once what's your ideal type?

You refused to take that question as you said I would compare and then beat myself up. You told me, be yourself.

I misread those remarks as a skillful maneuvering of an experienced player.
Continuing with my obsessiveness and compulsiveness,  I continued my mental floggings of myself and driving to achieve that state where I imagined myself or we to be in.

Yet, who is to judge and determine the ideal state? Who am I trying to contort and twist myself into?

At the end of the session, she shared on her experience on the degradation of her neck and encouraged me to not give up while not rushing into things.

Achieving that fine balance in life, step by step.

Sunday, 25 September 2016


The stability when I was able to be the asana. The clarity and cloudiness of thoughts coming and going as the sensations flow throughout the body.
The irritations and the pain. The inability to create the bliss from the past and the ability to realign and create the future, while staying in the moment. The balancing of forces to contain and hold the body. The waves of emotions, thoughts and distractions.
And, the final peace and stillness.

*Creating traction by pushing the point of the index finger and the ball of the feet. Then lift, don't drop. The prana has to move.
*It is a lift from the inside. The fountain of joy. It is not a push from your ego.
*Use the tools as a support. You need the support.
*Do not use brute force.
*Do not manipulate your body. Where is your alignment? Your lines and energy?
*It is an inner confidence. Sometimes you need a helping hand but eventually you have to do it yourself.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

身體功課 (2.5)


或許如此,今晚的瑜伽課,五官對外面的種種感官格外敏感。車鳴聲。咖喱飯的氣味。搓麻將的鄰居。燈光。心猿意馬,在練習時,一手抓猴子,一手控制馬匹 。 在收心過程,人很慌也好怕。



2. 明明有繩子拉著,腳跟也著地,雙腳卻猛發抖。這抖是我這兩三年瘋狂運動所經歷最利害的一次。

3.畫面接踵而來,來不及解讀就被另外一個畫面取代。但,在那一系列heart openers 時,你的那張照片揮之不去。就連我停止,不做了,面對畫面說滾開。你,還在。


終於大夥圍起來分享時,只說了一句, I felt many sensations.

老師馬上就說,Hold on to your sensations ,do not make stories out of it.  The first step to face up to your fear.

我再說,my legs are shaking.
她回答,Where is your foundation?  Are you supporting yourself? Your energy is dropping. Yet this is a good start.

經過大家連連分享自己怎麽從瑜伽減壓的,她最後落了一句 “Before you quit, ask yourself why? " 結束了今晚的課。


Friday, 16 September 2016



Monday, 12 September 2016



Right left right left 到 lift lift lift move move move land land land, 還有學習站立。我的腳外斜,要站是吃力的。腳為根本,要吸取大地之氣,必須要著地。

老師又提到if you don't make a stand and find your legs, you will always feel sorry for yourself, you will always be seeking outside for approval, wanting to lean on someone.




身體在瓦解。而,我必須重視身體了 不能再虐待她了。





稍候跟他說對不起,我很想去,但走不開。他就把我刪掉,一去不回。我是氣憤的。氣的不是他,是我自己。發出去的信息太急,太猛 ,讓人抓不到頭緒。

這個intention又沒有好好的follow through into action. 所以我們一直處於start stop start stop 的階段。我累,他或許更累。




