Wednesday 24 June 2009


总是在那些时候,想起小时候的英文补习。一排排的习题。一条条的文法规矩。一行行必须背进去然后吐出来的句子。其中,就有一句若要描写存在于坠机、大火、溺水的惨状时可直接套用的话:helplessness and despair。

我记得我反复的问过你helplessness and despair会是怎么样的一种状态?


你说,你梦过自己的死亡。14岁的时候,梦里的那场死亡,淡而无味。是场交通意外。那个时候还不流行恐怖分子,但你却梦见自己上了一辆装上炸弹的巴士。而在最后那一刻,你根本没有感觉到任何的helplessness and despair,反而,默默地慢慢地等待。




你看着我,手轻轻的抚摸着我凌乱的发丝。你很清楚,那天,在诊所的那天,我哭了。你真的了解吗?当我转过身,背向他的时候,急促的呼吸,努力地屏住着哽咽和泪水,心里无法接受自己已经生病的那个事实。懦弱地,无法正视他,向他对质,并且责怪他的不诚实。helplessness and despair顿时转换成hopelessness and desperate。

三个月,虽然是他捏造的美丽谎言,但你很清楚自己无法反驳他白衣白裤的权威与自己身体的警报。三个月和一年,算是什么?一年,也可以是他无味的保证……你无法接受的,其实是自己得背负着一粒粒药丸和别人关心的重量,一步步地往前迈进。你以怀疑来伪装自己的helplessness and despair。然而,你却忘了,courage is not in the absence of fear。我会梦中如此坦然地面对死亡,不是因为我不畏惧死亡,更不是因为我知道这只是梦。我到现在还是会害怕到那个车站等车。我还是会担心自己在灰飞烟灭的那一刻。我还是会感觉到helpless and despair。甚至hopelessness and desperate.

Yet, in life, how many of us don't feel that?

We get into the habit of living before acquiring the habit of thinking...and we play the eluding game of hope to continue rolling that gigantic stone up the hill,only to have it come tumbling down again...

You would never know that beneath this white dignity lies a corpse filled with fats and lard. I spent my youth on all the medical facts and whatnots,only to see them crumbling at the mercy of time. I get by everyday healing and helping one after another,yet I am no God to my own ailing heart. I have to face the raw bits of life,those of what you all had entrusted/thrusted upon me, yet I failed to see how I am rotting right before my own very eyes.

1 comment:

yinghao said...
