Sunday 25 September 2016


The stability when I was able to be the asana. The clarity and cloudiness of thoughts coming and going as the sensations flow throughout the body.
The irritations and the pain. The inability to create the bliss from the past and the ability to realign and create the future, while staying in the moment. The balancing of forces to contain and hold the body. The waves of emotions, thoughts and distractions.
And, the final peace and stillness.

*Creating traction by pushing the point of the index finger and the ball of the feet. Then lift, don't drop. The prana has to move.
*It is a lift from the inside. The fountain of joy. It is not a push from your ego.
*Use the tools as a support. You need the support.
*Do not use brute force.
*Do not manipulate your body. Where is your alignment? Your lines and energy?
*It is an inner confidence. Sometimes you need a helping hand but eventually you have to do it yourself.

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